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Problem CGI uIP SAM7x256 IAR

Posted by Tonau on April 6, 2009
Hi everybody,

I'm using the FreeRTOS port AT91SAM7X IAR. I want to recieve data from the webserver pages and store the data in the SAM7X. All examples from other compiler and other microcontroller have an example for it. But for the AT91SAM7X IAR port there is no such example. It seems like my port uses an older version of uIP. How can I receive data with this old implementation? What variable must be in the *.html file and how do I get it into my mcu as an variable?
Do I have to upgrade to a newer Version? If yes, how do I do it?

Thanks in advance!

RE: Problem CGI uIP SAM7x256 IAR

Posted by Dave on April 6, 2009
Search the demo directory for a file called io.shtml. This will highlight the demos that do what you want. Simply open one of the demos that includes io.shtml to see which files are included, then add those files to your IAR project. You will need to ensure that the byte alignment and structure packing is correct within the uIP code for the IAR compiler.

RE: Problem CGI uIP SAM7x256 IAR

Posted by Tonau on April 6, 2009
Thanks for this tip.
I already tested it in this way. I copied the webserver folder from the ATSAM7X Eclipse port to my IAR project and included all necessary files. By doing it this way, I got al lot of error messages.
Also there are no comments on how io.shtml and the httpd-cgi.c works. Can you explain me how the dataflow is?


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