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[FreeRTOS Home] [Live FreeRTOS Forum] [FAQ] [Archive Top] [April 2012 Threads] Bluetooth stack in freeRTOSPosted by GOURIOU on April 24, 2012 Hello,
I am working on a project which is : create an audio communication between a chip (PIC32 of Microchip) and a headset with the bluetooth protocol. I have to use only HSP profile. For the project, we have to use a bluetooth module without stack, the stack has to be on the chip.
During my reshearch for a opensource bluetooth stack, I see on wikipedia there are existing a bluettoth stack "dotstack" on FreeRTOS :
Have you opensource bluetooth stack on FreeRTOS ? Do you know where I can find opensource bluetooth stack on freeRTOS for PIC32 ?
Thank a lot for you help
RE: Bluetooth stack in freeRTOSPosted by Richard on April 24, 2012 DotStack is already available for Microchip:
but it is not open source. I think TI have it running integrated with FreeRTOS on an MSP430.
I'm not aware of any open source alternative, but I haven't looked.
RE: Bluetooth stack in freeRTOSPosted by GOURIOU on April 24, 2012 Thank for you help. I already found DotStack, but I search a open source bluetooth stack for access the source code and learn about it.
Like student, I prefere learn about the bluetooth stack.
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