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[FreeRTOS Home] [Live FreeRTOS Forum] [FAQ] [Archive Top] [April 2012 Threads] FreeRTOS on ARM11?Posted by Dennis Borgmann on April 27, 2012 Hi! Is there a port available for ARM1176JZFS? I am asking because of a possible diploma thesis where a FreeRTOS should run on a Raspberry Pi ( I did not yet find any valuable information on such a possible project. So, is it possible to run FreeRTOS on this hardware? Thanks for any single hint. Best regards, Dennis
RE: FreeRTOS on ARM11?Posted by Richard on April 27, 2012 I'm sure you will find some ARM11 ports around the web, it is a topic that comes up occasionally, but I consider this to be slightly out of the FreeRTOS target market so there are no official demos.
That said, I would be very interested if you were to create a port to the RaspberryPI, and can create a forum in the FreeRTOS Interactive site for you if you do.
RE: FreeRTOS on ARM11?Posted by Wedgen on January 5, 2013 James Walmsley put together a port here:
I'm working on building a BSP for FreeRTOS' IO library so we can have full use of all the hardware. I haven't seen this done yet for the Pi.
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