FreeRTOS Support Archive
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[FreeRTOS Home] [Live FreeRTOS Forum] [FAQ] [Archive Top] [April 2012 Threads] FreeRTOS on UC3L0: unknown includesPosted by brisco82 on April 25, 2012 I've been trying to get the FreeRTOS UC3-Port running on my UC3L064. But the "port.c" file keeps asking for headers that are not included in the "source" directory of the FreeRTOS directory structure: #include #include #include
Where do I get these files from? Are any external libraries needed?
Thanks in advance, Brisco
RE: FreeRTOS on UC3L0: unknown includesPosted by Richard on April 25, 2012 Which UC3 demo did you start with? The ones in the FreeRTOS download are for older chips and compilers. If you look at the Atmel Software Framework from you will find ports for newer devices using the latest compilers.
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