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[FreeRTOS Home] [Live FreeRTOS Forum] [FAQ] [Archive Top] [April 2012 Threads] LPC1768 Red Suite Posted by alpha86 on April 4, 2012 Hi I have a RDB1768v2 board and I have followed the freeRTOS example at :
I first solved the ethernet issue due to the different component used in the demo for the RDB1768v1.
When I run the program from LPCxpresso, I get this at console, is that fine?: set remotetimeout 60000 set mem inaccessible-by-default off mon ondisconnect cont set arm force-mode thumb
I will like to know what is the best way to get started. I am thinking of deleting all tasks from the example project mentioned above, and include the CMSIS folder (as with the official RDB1768v2 examples found on CodeRed website). However, I find that the core_cm3 file in the CodeRed examples(v2.1) are different from the one used in the freeRTOS demo (v1.3). Is it safe to just use the core_cm3 v2.1?
RE: LPC1768 Red Suite Posted by MEdwards on April 4, 2012 set remotetimeout 60000 set mem inaccessible-by-default off mon ondisconnect cont set arm force-mode thumb These are commands being sent by a script run in the IDE to GDB (the debugger). It is nothing to do with FreeRTOS and nothing to be concerned about as expected behavior. I recommend always using the latest CMSIS files.
RE: LPC1768 Red Suite Posted by alpha86 on April 9, 2012 Thanks edwards3, yup juz realized the gdb commands being sent.
Okay, I'll just use the latest CMSIS files then. Anyway, how can I know what is freeRTOS doing on the driver/interrupt/clock of the cortex-m3 and is the code written at this low level configuration compliant to CMSIS? I think my question is how can I see these codes and see if they reflect the new CMSIS and if not, I can change them. Is it recommended to touch these codes?
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