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[FreeRTOS Home] [Live FreeRTOS Forum] [FAQ] [Archive Top] [April 2012 Threads] SDCard Driver with support FAT32+FTP ProtocolPosted by Anurag on April 25, 2012 HI I am looking some where SDCard Driver that support FAT32 File system and can be ported as task in FreeRTOS and similary my requriments used FTP Server+With SDcard+FAT32+SPI Driver implemented as FreeRTOS Task on Virtex-6 Board and need to achive timing 1 msec..from where i can get source code &download from which link
RE: SDCard Driver with support FAT32+FTP ProtocolPosted by Richard on April 25, 2012 If you are looking for an open source solution then Xilinx have lwIP and file systems accessible through their MLD interface. You could also try adapting something yourself from a base such as this (non Xilinx example): If you are looking for a commercial solution then you could try Regards.
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