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Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Anuradha on April 16, 2012

According to documentation individual task stacks are allocated from the Total Heap size we will be define and allocate in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
Is there any possibility, of the addition of all individual task stacks exceeding the amount of total heap allocation?

Thank you.

RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Richard on April 16, 2012
“Is there any possibility, of the addition of all individual task stacks exceeding the amount of total heap allocation?”

Naturally, yes, there is a limited amount of RAM and a user can attempt to create an infinite amount of tasks.

heap_1.c and heap_2.c both have a function xPortGetFreeHeapSize() that allows you to query the stack remaining. heap_3.c uses malloc() and free() so FreeRTOS itself cannot obtain the free space. There is also a malloc failed hook function that can be defined that will be called when an allocation fails.


RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Anuradha on April 16, 2012
Further, Can anybody explain how does the allocated Total Heap size is being used?

Are there any documentation to follow up?

Thank you.

RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Richard on April 16, 2012
Sorry - I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Have you seen this page:


RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Richard Damon on April 16, 2012
The total heap size parameter is used in heap_1 and heap_2 to define the size of the heap to be created. For heap_3 you need to use the method provided by your compiler/linker to set this, and the parameter in FreeRTOS is ignored.

RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Anuradha on April 18, 2012
Thanks for the replies.
But I still did not get any answer to my original question,

“Further, Can anybody explain how does the allocated Total Heap size is being used? Are there any documentation to follow up?”

Information provided in FreeRTOS site and manual are inadequate.
I am in interested of finding out, in detail how the task stack is being used.

Thank you.

RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by Richard on April 18, 2012
Forgive us, but your question was not clear.

Each task has its own stack, that is used by the compiler to store things like function call return addresses and local variables. There is nothing different about the stack used by a task than any other stack - for example the stack allocated by the linker for use by the main() function.


RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by dev on January 27, 2013
“There is nothing different about the stack used by a task than any other stack - for example the stack allocated by the linker for use by the main() function.”

Does this means that each task behaves like main (in terms stack uses) that particular task stack also caters the requirement of nested function calls etc.
Can we get a pictorial depiction of this, some book or online references ?

RE: Task Stack allocation problem

Posted by MEdwards on January 27, 2013

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