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LM3S6965 - Crash in vTaskDelay( ) ;

Posted by Philip Weiss on December 1, 2008
In one of my threads, a call to vTaskDelay( 1 ) causes an immediate vector to FaultISR.

I am using Red Suite, and I'm not sure how to proceed to see why the code is crashing. Using single steps, I can see exactly where the code crashes, but I don't know why.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

RE: LM3S6965 - Crash in vTaskDelay( ) ;

Posted by Richard on December 2, 2008
Could this be a simple stack overflow. Try increasing the stack size allocated to the task or using some of the stack checking utilities provided with the kernel. Also the free plug-in that comes with Code Red will show you stack usage. If your version of Red Suite does not include the plug-in either upgrade or download the plug-in separately (see link on FreeRTOS.org homepage banner).

Can you share where the crash actually occurs?


RE: LM3S6965 - Crash in vTaskDelay( ) ;

Posted by Philip Weiss on December 6, 2008
Thanks! I was not clear about how to increase the stack size... Nothing changed until I changed both startup.c and the freertos config file. I had only updated one.

Now things are running.

Thanks again.

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