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Queue and several receiver

Posted by ebookaktiv on December 14, 2008
1) Is it possible to have more than one sender for the same queue. My opinion Yes it should be possible. The messages will be stored inside the buffer.

2) Is it possible to have more than one reciever for the same queue? My opinion NO, because = who shoul take the message is more than one task are able to receive the message.

Thank you for your contribution

RE: Queue and several receiver

Posted by Dave on December 14, 2008
Answers -

1) Yes.
2) Yes.

The reason the answer to question 2 is yes is because tasks are blocked in priority order. If more than one task is blocked on the same queue then the higher priority task will be the task that receives the next data. If both (or more) tasks have the same priority then the first task to block will be the first task to receive the data.

RE: Queue and several receiver

Posted by ebookaktiv on December 14, 2008
Thank you for the answer :)

RE: Queue and several receiver

Posted by ebookaktiv on December 14, 2008
If i want to send one and the same message to three receiver task than i have to generate three queues and send the same message in every queue?

RE: Queue and several receiver

Posted by woops_ on December 14, 2008
or you could have two tasks peek the queue and one receive the queue as long as the peeking tasks are higher priority so they wake first.

RE: Queue and several receiver

Posted by ebookaktiv on December 16, 2008
I will write an eBook about FreeRTOS on www.ebookaktiv.de and www.ebooksmechatronic.com

First time in german language but next year it will be translated to english.

RE: Queue and several receiver

Posted by Richard on December 16, 2008
I'm a fare way down the route of writing some more comprehensive and printable documentation, but unfortunately time constraints mean it will be a little while before this is published.


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