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Task not executed ?!

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on February 14, 2007
Hello everybody !

I'm new in the world of FreeRTOS and I tried it on an Freescale HC12 card with the Help of CodeWarrior.
I created 2 tasks : one is turning on the Leds and the other do alternate them (on/off) like this :

xTaskHandle xh1, xh2 ;

xTaskCreate( off, "of", 512, NULL, 10, &xh1 );
xTaskCreate( onoff, "onoff", 512, NULL, 6, &xh2 );

When I launch the scheduler with vTaskStartScheduler(); only the second task is launched and the first one never !

Here's the code of this 2 functions :

void on(void) {

DDRB = 0xFF; //turn on the Leds


void onoff(void) {

int i ;

for (i=0;i<=40;i++)

PORTB ^= 0xFF; //alternate the Leds



Have you any idea why the first task isn't called ?

Thanks a lot for helping me :)

RE: Task not executed ?!

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on February 14, 2007
The on() task is not structured as a task. It must be in an infinite loop or call vTaskDelete() prior to its end.

Your tasks will also need to block at some point, otherwise only one will run unless they are both at the same priority.

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