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vTaskDelete memory free

Posted by Prithwee on February 27, 2009
Hi All,

According to FreeRTOS User Documentationà vTaskDelete,

“Memory allocated by the task code is not automatically freed, and should be freed before the task is deleted.”

What does it mean?

My understanding is that once I call vTaskDelete( NULL ); the present task will go to delete state and is deleted when processor gets the time for IDLE task.
In Idle task it calls -> prvDeleteTCB( tskTCB *pxTCB ) and there by FREEs the Task’s Stack (vPortFree( pxTCB->pxStack );) and TCB.( vPortFree( pxTCB );)

Is there anything else I should do from the application layer other than calling vTaskDelete( TaskHandle)???

I am not able to understand “Memory allocated by the task code is not automatically freed, and should be freed before the task is deleted.”

Do you have any example?

Please correct me if I am wrong.



RE: vTaskDelete memory free

Posted by Richard Damon on February 27, 2009
If the task allocated any buffer or queue then those are not going to be reclaimed by task delete. vTaskDelete will schedule for the tasks TCB and stack block to be deleted, but not any resources the task setup itself, the allocation code does not keep track of which task allocated what memory, or if it has passed that memory to someone else.

RE: vTaskDelete memory free

Posted by Prithwee on February 27, 2009
OK. Thanks, i got the point.

i have taken care of vPortFree for whichever pointer created by pvPortMalloc.


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