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Yagarto - STM32F2xx (Cortex-M3) MEMCPY error

Posted by Mike on February 28, 2013
I can get a simple program working, but when I add the FreeRTOS files I get a error:

queue.c:1317: undefined reference to `memcpy'

I thought the memcpy should be found by 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' but all seems well until I run the linker arm-none-eabi-ld

How can I get either gcc to include the memcpy function or include this in the ld linker?

RE: Yagarto - STM32F2xx (Cortex-M3) MEMCPY error

Posted by Richard on March 1, 2013
It looks like your GCC command line is wrong. Do you have '-l[library]' (where [library] is the name of the library that contains memcpy()) included in the command line? You can check some of the makefiles that are included in subdirectories of the FreeRTOS/Demo directory for examples, but be aware many of them are very old as the newer projects tend to use Eclipse managed make.


RE: Yagarto - STM32F2xx (Cortex-M3) MEMCPY error

Posted by Mike on March 1, 2013
memcpy can be founf in libc.a, but if I add this as a library to the linker ld, this just throws up a greater can of worms.

If I use gcc to create an output file then this seems to find the missing functions, but then it all goes bad during debug where the vector table seems to have errors.

None of the files in the demo area are directly for the STM32F205, furthermore it's not clear what start-up files they use.

At least with your own makefile, I know precisely what is being compiled and linked, and can run the makefile outside of Eclipse.

Many thanks for your reply.

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