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bind telnet ffail

Posted by vincent on July 20, 2012
hi :

I delete telnet task, then create new telnet task successfully, but hyperterm can't connect the new telnet task.
it seems that Freertos can't release all resource used by telnet task,
anyone know how to sovle ?


RE: bind telnet ffail

Posted by Richard on July 20, 2012
If you delete a task, any resources allocated to the task by the kernel when the task was created will be released by the kernel (namely the task stack and TCB). If the application has taken any other resources (more memory, a semaphore, a mutex, or whatever) then these will not be automatically released - if the application code takes resources then the application code needs to return them and tasks should not be deleted until that has been done.


RE: bind telnet ffail

Posted by vincent on July 21, 2012
if telnet task running, I call vtasklist to know following
ENLOGIC>rd listtask
Name State Priority Stack Num
COM R 4 404 7
SENSOR R 3 50 5
IDLE R 0 106 12
ETH_IF B 7 224 1
OLED B 3 98 6
DHCPDOG B 4 179 2
TCPIP B 6 151 0
TELNET B 4 432 9
HTTP B 6 430 11

I delete the task, and create new telnet ,and call vtask list to know

ENLOGIC>rd listtask
Name State Priority Stack Num
COM R 4 398 7
IDLE R 0 106 12
SENSOR B 3 50 5
ETH_IF B 7 216 1
TCPIP B 6 151 0
DHCPDOG B 4 179 2
OLED B 3 98 6
HTTP B 6 430 11
TELNET B 4 176 18

the TELNET number is from 9 to 18, what's the number meaning ? isnot its resource released by freertos ?


RE: bind telnet ffail

Posted by Richard on July 21, 2012
The number is a unique number that is allocated to each task so you can tell apart different tasks that have the same name. The fact the number has changed means that the old task called TELNET is no longer running, and that a new task is now running which is also called TELNET.


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