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ARM_CM3_MPU does not seem to build in FreeRTOS 9.0.0

Posted by hengblom on July 26, 2016


First I'm new to this forum, don't know if this question belongs here. I've been working with FreeRTOS for a couple of years now, and I think it is great.

However, I'm having problems building ARM CortexM3, the MPU vairant, for FreeRTOS 9.0.0, with GCC

First there seem to be a "BIT" (With an underscore before but that is for some reason interpreted as a "start of italic" here...) missing in the end of line 176 in portable/GCC/ARMCM3_MPU/portmacro.h

But after having fixed that, there are still some problems. I also run completely static memory allocation, new to 9.0.0, and as long as I don't use MPU, that works fine. However the MPU variant don't seem to be completely compliant to an entirely static memory allocation. It complains about this:

Linking buildrls11/SW0033-11v03pre.elf buildrls11/FreeRTOS/tasks.o: In function xTaskCreateRestricted': /opt/repos/git/src/SW/SW0033-GenIV_TX/09_11-TigerGenIV_MidiJoystick_CPU1/src/FreeRTOS/tasks.c:643: undefined reference topvPortMalloc'

And looking in the code, it seems FreeRTOS cannot run completely static in the MPU-case:

xTaskCreateRestricted() calls pvPortMalloc() and there don't seem to be a xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic(). Neither can I find any config-option in FreeRTOSConfig.h that disables this function if i run MPU. (I don't think I need xTaskCreateRestricted() , I'll use xTaskCreateStatic() instead, so it's not a big problem for me, I can just put "#if 0" around it)

Has anyone else run in to the same problem, or is it me that has missed to configure something ?

Should I write a new bug-ticket about this ?

br Håkan

ARM_CM3_MPU does not seem to build in FreeRTOS 9.0.0

Posted by rtel on July 27, 2016

Thank you for pointing out the missing "_BIT" on the end of the constant name. This has been corrected in the code, and added to the known issues list (which will be published when I am back in the office) so there is no need to create a ticket.

On your other point. Currently (but not for long) the MPU port is not compatible with a completely statically allocated system. I think this is documented somewhere, but it might be somewhere too obscure, like in the change history or SVN comments. I thought there was a

in the code to warn people of this if they attempted to use both, but evidently not.

ARM_CM3_MPU does not seem to build in FreeRTOS 9.0.0

Posted by hengblom on July 27, 2016

Thanks for the info. As I said, I can live without xTaskCreateRestricted() as of now. How far into the future do you think it is to have support for MPU without dynamic memory allocation ?

I can of course comment out xTaskCreateRestricted() but it feels a bit risky and too "unsupported".


ARM_CM3_MPU does not seem to build in FreeRTOS 9.0.0

Posted by rtel on July 27, 2016

If it is useful for people we can prioritise the work.

ARM_CM3_MPU does not seem to build in FreeRTOS 9.0.0

Posted by hengblom on July 27, 2016

For me it is not urgent, technically. As I said, I think I can live with just commenting out xTaskCreateRestricted(). I'll try that, and see if things work as expected.

The only thing that would make it more "urgent" for me is that it would be nice to have a released version of FreeRTOS that supports it, so that I don't have to apply any patch for it. But I don't consider that very important to me.

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