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Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by jordiblasi on July 6, 2016


I have FreeRTOS running on a Intel Galileo Gen 2 board. I am trying to set up the network but I am not sure which driver it is supposed to be using. i have been searching for any reference but I have been unable to find it. Is it supported? Which one should I choose?



Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by rtel on July 6, 2016

I'm not aware of a driver that is specific for the FreeRTOS+TCP stack, but there are other drivers around for the Galileo Ethernet port. You will have to create a FreeRTOS+TCP driver (and if so, please post it to the FreeRTOS Interactive site), and probably the easiest thing to do would be to base it on whatever drivers Intel are providing themselves.

Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by jordiblasi on July 6, 2016

I am not sure if I am capable of creating a raw driver by my own. Do you have any basic structure or starting point so I can do some research and try? If I get it to work I will happily share it.

Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by rtel on July 6, 2016

Very broadly speaking, and oversimplifying, there are two phases to creating a driver:

1) Set up the hardware so that packets can be sent onto the network and received from the network.

In this step, you could read the user manual, and then create lots of very low level code to enable, clock and initialise the MAC....or as per my previous email you could take a working driver provided for you by Intel (or whoever). I think their driver is open source.

2) Once you have the hardware inputting and outputting, stitch it into the FreeRTOS+TCP stack.

If the hardware is happily reading and writing, then this step should be straight forward as there are only a couple of functions that are needed.

There are examples in the FreeRTOS+TCP download already, in the FreeRTOSPlusTCPMultiIPv6BranchFreeRTOS-PlusSourceFreeRTOS-Plus-TCPportableNetworkInterface directory. There is also some information on the web site: http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOSPlusTCP/EmbeddedEthernetPorting.html

Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by heinbali01 on July 6, 2016

Sure, there are several examples. Have a look at any of these drivers:

~~~~ FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAM4E ~~~~

For simplicity, I would start with a driver that is not zero-copy. If you encounter problems, there is a forum to ask question :-)

Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by jordiblasi on July 6, 2016

For sure I will... :-)

Intel Galileo Gen2 and FreeRTOS TCP

Posted by jordiblasi on July 6, 2016

Ok. Thanks. I guess I have some reading pending.

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