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Timer stops after some time

Posted by rokm83 on July 21, 2016

Hello all,

I'm using FreeRTOS 9.0.0. Application is compiled with gcc for Windows 10 x64. I created periodic timer - xTimerCreate("RTC", 10000 / portTICKPERIODMS, pdTRUE, NULL, rtcdriverupdate_time); for keep current OS time on the application side.

When I leave application for some time without activity eg. auto windows logoff or push app to background, I noticed that timer stops and handler "rtcdriverupdate_time()" is not called any more.

Is it FreeRTOS Windows port problem or Windows 10 itself ?

Thanks, JB

Timer stops after some time

Posted by rtel on July 21, 2016

I have never tested on a Windows version greater than 7, so can't comment on Windows 10 specifically, but remember when you are using the FreeRTOS simulator the Windows threads running the FreeRTOS scheduler are themselves scheduled by Windows. Perhaps Windows 10 will reduce the priority after some time?

The only known issue with the Windows simulator is that deleting a task will not always result in the memory allocated to the Windows thread that the task existed in also being freed (the FreeRTOS memory is freed, but not necessarily the memory allocated by Windows to its own thread). Therefore, if you create and delete tasks rapidly, you will eventually run out of [Windows] memory - but that will take many, many days to occur.


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Timer stops after some time

Posted by rokm83 on July 22, 2016

The same test I made on Linux and result is the same. So like you wrote it could be related to OS itself which reduce the priority of the task after some time.


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