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problem with the `free` function

Posted by bou6 on July 20, 2016

I believe that using malloc and free in small embedded system is a bad habit, although am using them for very specific circumstances.

so i'am using 2 tasks in my application : LCDTask and SerialTask: -The 2 tasks have the same priority. - lcdSTACKSIZE configMINIMALSTACKSIZE + 1000. - serialSTACKSIZE configMINIMALSTACKSIZE - the pointer that am allocating/ freeing pointes to data with 200 bytes - lcdTask allocate and free the pointer . - the serial task doesn't acces to the heap, no dynamic allocation. If i run only the lcdtask no problem but if i add the serialTask the program crashes when meeting free function but why (the serial task doesn't acces to the heap).

You know debugging the free function is difficult since it doesn't return. Could you please help me find roads to find the source of the problem

problem with the `free` function

Posted by edwards3 on July 20, 2016

Have you seen this page? http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html


alternate (1486 bytes)

problem with the `free` function

Posted by bou6 on July 20, 2016

Ok Thank you for the reference


alternate (1486 bytes)

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