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sending a message to a queue from timer tick

Posted by JMR on June 16, 2008
Hi folks,

I need your enlightened views on the following.
I've got a task (Task X) that spends most of its time suspended waiting on a message to be posted to a queue. This works fine so far. Other tasks send a message to this one via the queue and ISRs do the same.
Now I'd like to use the tick hook function to manage a number of "timers" and when these timers lapse I'd like to send a message to task X. I can post a message to task X's queue but for some reason Task X doesn't "see" the message.

Any ideas as to how I could get this going?

Any help is most welcome, I seem to have a bit of a brain block and can't see a way out.


RE: sending a message to a queue from timer tick

Posted by JMR on June 16, 2008
Ignore this one...

It's amazing how putting down what you're trying to achieve crystallises the mind.

It was working all the time the problem was that I'm waiting on two queues. One that receives data from a serial port (and block for a time period) and the other one which gets looked at only if no data has come in.

Now all I have to do is "merge" the two queues into one... Oh I don't fancy that one somehow


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