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[Help] Please provide a debug tool

Posted by Zhibin Zhang on June 28, 2009
Hi there,

I am using the IAR. Is there a tool to help to visualize the task transition in respect of time? I have a problem with STM32 SDIO. I am guessing it is related with the task transistion. But I cannot see it. I read from freertos website. there is a way to see those profile.

Can anyone provide a simple tutorial to start with?


RE: [Help] Please provide a debug tool

Posted by Zhibin Zhang on June 28, 2009
I like the plugin. But it still not the thing I am looking for. Is there a tool like a scope showing the at each time, the different task and ISR? That may be easy for me to rule out the SDIO problem.

RE: [Help] Please provide a debug tool

Posted by Richard on June 28, 2009
http://www.freertos.org/a00086.html [deprecated]

Also see http://www.code-red-tech.com , although LMI and NXP are the only supported platforms so far, I'm would guess ST and others will follow.


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