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Problem with lwip mailbox or FreeRTOS Queue

Posted by Jesper Vestergaard on June 15, 2009
I'm implementing lwip version 1.3.0 on the newly added FreeRTOS port for AVR32 AP7000 but i'm having a problem with a mailbox in lwip or a queue in FreeRTOS.

I have a printf in netcom accept just after the creation of the newconn pointer and after the sys_arch_mbox_fetch and they prints: "newconn 0x2af6" and "mbox fetch: 0x10013540 conn: 0x2af6 recmbox: 0xf01f0046"

In accept_function i have a printf just before the data is added to the mailbox and looks like this: "mailbox: 0x10013540 conn 0x10002600 recvmbox: 0x100136b0"

Why isn't the data properly sent through the mailbox or queue?

Here's the code from lwip:

* Accept a new connection on a TCP listening netconn.
* @param conn the TCP listen netconn
* @return the newly accepted netconn or NULL on timeout
struct netconn *
netconn_accept(struct netconn *conn)
struct netconn *newconn;

printf("newconn %p\n", newconn);

LWIP_ERROR("netconn_accept: invalid conn", (conn != NULL), return NULL;);
LWIP_ERROR("netconn_accept: invalid acceptmbox", (conn->acceptmbox != SYS_MBOX_NULL), return NULL;);

if (sys_arch_mbox_fetch(conn->acceptmbox, (void *)&newconn, conn->recv_timeout) == SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT) {
newconn = NULL;
} else

sys_arch_mbox_fetch(conn->acceptmbox, (void *)&newconn, 0);
printf("mbox fetch: %p\ conn: %p recmbox: %p\n",conn->acceptmbox, newconn, newconn->recvmbox);
#endif /* LWIP_SO_RCVTIMEO*/
/* Register event with callback */

if (newconn != NULL) {
/* Let the stack know that we have accepted the connection. */
struct api_msg msg;
msg.function = do_recv;
msg.msg.conn = conn;
return newconn;

* Accept callback function for TCP netconns.
* Allocates a new netconn and posts that to conn->acceptmbox.
* @see tcp.h (struct tcp_pcb_listen.accept) for parameters and return value
static err_t
accept_function(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err)
struct netconn *newconn;
struct netconn *conn;

#endif /* TCP_DEBUG */
#endif /* API_MSG_DEBUG */
conn = (struct netconn *)arg;

LWIP_ERROR("accept_function: invalid conn->acceptmbox",
conn->acceptmbox != SYS_MBOX_NULL, return ERR_VAL;);

/* We have to set the callback here even though
* the new socket is unknown. conn->socket is marked as -1. */
newconn = netconn_alloc(conn->type, conn->callback);
if (newconn == NULL) {
return ERR_MEM;
newconn->pcb.tcp = newpcb;
newconn->err = err;
/* Register event with callback */

printf("mailbox: %p conn %p recvmbox: %p\n", conn->acceptmbox, newconn, newconn->recvmbox);
if (sys_mbox_trypost(conn->acceptmbox, newconn) != ERR_OK) {
/* When returning != ERR_OK, the connection is aborted in tcp_process(),
so do nothing here! */
newconn->pcb.tcp = NULL;
return ERR_MEM;
return ERR_OK;

Blocks the thread until a message arrives in the mailbox, but does
not block the thread longer than "timeout" milliseconds (similar to
the sys_arch_sem_wait() function). The "msg" argument is a result
parameter that is set by the function (i.e., by doing "*msg =
ptr"). The "msg" parameter maybe NULL to indicate that the message
should be dropped.

The return values are the same as for the sys_arch_sem_wait() function:
Number of milliseconds spent waiting or SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT if there was a

Note that a function with a similar name, sys_mbox_fetch(), is
implemented by lwIP.
u32_t sys_arch_mbox_fetch(sys_mbox_t mbox, void **msg, u32_t timeout)
void *dummyptr;
portTickType StartTime, EndTime, Elapsed;

StartTime = xTaskGetTickCount();

if( msg == NULL )
msg = &dummyptr;

if(timeout != 0 )
if(pdTRUE == xQueueReceive( mbox, &(*msg), timeout ) )

EndTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
Elapsed = EndTime - StartTime;
if( Elapsed == 0 )
Elapsed = 1;
return ( Elapsed );
else // timed out blocking for message
*msg = NULL;
else // block forever for a message.
while( pdTRUE != xQueueReceive( mbox, &(*msg), portMAX_DELAY ) ) // time is arbitrary
EndTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
Elapsed = EndTime - StartTime;
if( Elapsed == 0 )
Elapsed = 1;
return ( Elapsed ); // return time blocked TBD test

// Try immediately posting the "msg" to the mailbox.
sys_mbox_trypost(sys_mbox_t mbox, void *data)
if ( xQueueSend( mbox, &data, ( portTickType ) 1 ) == pdPASS )
return ERR_OK;
return ERR_MEM;

RE: Problem with lwip mailbox or FreeRTOS Queue

Posted by Jesper Vestergaard on June 15, 2009
Nevermind. I found the problem.
When a new mailbox is created i had changed the size from sizeof( void * ) to a dynamic size. This is not a good idea when queues in FreeRTOS use void pointers.

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