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RTOS Concept.

Posted by Zafer Dedeoglu on June 29, 2009
I develop a project with 18F4620(64K) without RTOS. This project has got two serial port communication, hmi and etc... Now program memory of microcontroller is full(a big project). I want to add new features to this project. But now it is too hard. The timings are very critical...So, I want to learn RTOS. I read FreeRTOS book. It is ok. But...
But it is difficult for me. I can not abandon the classical programming idea. I read and understand the FreeRTOS book but I can not imagine RTOS concept,create algorithm. My mind is constantly sliding into the classic method.

And if there is a problem at my program when i write a program with RTOS, how can i debug it? I don't know and i'm afraid...

Thanks a lot.
Best regards,

RE: RTOS Concept.

Posted by Juan_Pablo Garcia_Martinez on June 29, 2009
There are many books for learning, but probably no one will explain what you want, so you have to do an effort of reseach information in internet, read some books, get some teaching from experienced people or school. A basic book may be Operating System Concepts writen by James L.Peterson and Abraham Silberschatz University of Texas. This book is not focused in microcontrollers is a general scope of Operating Systems. You better look for in a public library instead buy it, before check if it is good for you.

Regarding to debug, each problem has its solution. In case of multitasking you have to write some extra code for debugging. FreeRTOS allows include macros for that purpouse combined with developing tool debuging system.

Try with any example supplied with FreeRTOS distribution and debug step by step, learn how the operating system works, it is very interesting thanks to Richard free source code and documentation available by books and web.

RE: RTOS Concept.

Posted by Juan_Pablo Garcia_Martinez on June 29, 2009
There are many books for learning, but probably no one will explain what you want, so you have to do an effort of reseach information in internet, read some books, get some teaching from experienced people or school. A basic book may be Operating System Concepts writen by James L.Peterson and Abraham Silberschatz University of Texas. This book is not focused in microcontrollers is a general scope of Operating Systems. You better look for in a public library instead buy it, before check if it is good for you.

Regarding to debug, each problem has its solution. In case of multitasking you have to write some extra code for debugging. FreeRTOS allows include macros for that purpouse combined with developing tool debuging system.

Try with any example supplied with FreeRTOS distribution and debug step by step, learn how the operating system works, it is very interesting thanks to Richard free source code and documentation available by books and web.

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