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Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on March 7, 2007
I am trying the demo project(uIP Embedded WEB Server Demo)on STR912-SK board, when I download it to flash and start to run, it always occur data_abort exception.
I use debugger to step by step execute, I found when calling list.c, it will cause data_abort execption(calling vListRemove function and executing "pxItemToRemove->pxNext->pxPrevious = pxItemToRemove->pxPrevious;").

Anyone has the same problem ?

RE: Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Richard on March 7, 2007
Have you made any changes to the source files or project settings - or are you using the demo exactly as downloaded?

Could it be that an interrupt is executing and attempting to call an API function prior to the scheduler having been started?

Does this occur even when the Ethernet cable is not plugged in?


RE: Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on March 8, 2007
Hi Richard ,

My ethernet cable is not plugged in. And I didn't make any changes to the source files.
When executing LCD_init() in the main function, it will occur Data_Abort exeception.
It shouldn't occur any interrupt here.

Best Regards.

RE: Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Richard on March 8, 2007
This looks like a hiccup on my part - sorry.

The LCD_Init() function is called from prvSetupHardware(), which itself is called from main(). This means LCD_Init() is called before the scheduler is started. LCD_Init() can however attempt to call vTaskDelay() which will cause a crash if called prior to the scheduler being started. I think this must be your problem. Strange I have not seen it myself, must be just down to the interface timing in the initialisation function.

Try moving LCD_Init() out of prvSetupHardware(), and instead call from prvLCDMessageTask(), immediately prior to entering the infinite loop. It will then be called from a task - after the scheduler is started. Let me know if this fixes the problem and I will add a note to the known issues list.


RE: Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Richard on March 8, 2007
Please note I have added the following 'known issue' - although this is not causing a problem on my system it is an error that could be the cause of your problems:

"The STR9 demo calls LCD_Init() from prvSetupHardware(), which itself is called from main(). However, there is a possibility that LCD_Init() will attempt to call vTaskDelay() and must therefore not be called prior to the scheduler being started. It is recommended to move the call to LCD_Init() from prvSetupHardware() to the top of prvLCDTask()."

Note that prvLCDTask() is the correct task to call the init function from.


RE: Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on March 9, 2007
I remove the lcd_init() , and it works ! The web server can run successful.
I think the problem is the different hardware board. When I use STR910-EVAL board , the LCD works normal , but on STR912-SK board , lcd_init() can't execute normally . They use different LCD module .

Thank you.

RE: Data_Abort when executing vListRemove

Posted by Richard on March 9, 2007
Thats good. I have updated the files in the Subversion copy. The LCD module I have responds fast enough that the delay never gets called - hence I have not seen the problem before.


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