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keil compiler warning

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on March 30, 2007
when compiling our code with a keil compiler c166 it returns a warning on this instruction of tasks.c at row 1592:

/* Stop warnings. */
( void ) pvParameters;

may someone explain us the meaning of this instruction?

thanks in advance.

RE: keil compiler warning

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on March 30, 2007
You have a C166 port? There was somebody asking about this recently.

You don't say what the warning it, but I suspect it is that the code has no effect.

The code is only there to prevent another compiler warning - that the parameter is not used. This is the standard way of preventing such warnings.


RE: keil compiler warning

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on March 30, 2007
Yes, we are working on C167 porting. We are still in initial phase, but when we will have some more stable code, for sure we will share information with the community.

About warning, we think thas is more powerfull write

pvParameters = pvParameters;

this kill all the warnings. But maybe this technic could generate one more istruction.
What do you think about this?

RE: keil compiler warning

Posted by Richard on March 30, 2007
Compiling the same code base with many different compilers is a pain. Code you add to prevent a warning on one compiler will cause a warning on another. Things such as using qualifiers on pointers [( volatile char * ) for example] will cause warnings that the qualifier has no meaning on some, while others will complain that the qualifier is missing if you leave it off.

In this case the usual method to prevent a warning is to (void) it, as when getting rid of the Lint warning that a function return type is ignored.

Setting the value to itself could perceivably cause a warning on some compilers (I have not tried it will all of them) that the line has no effect.

Can you selectively prevent the warning from being issued in the project configuration?


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