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Lattice Mico32

Posted by Jon Harper on May 19, 2010
I would like to use the community port of FreeRTOS on a Lattice Mico32. I downloaded the files available at http://www.freertos.org/index.html?http://interactive.freertos.org/forums/104358-lattice. I tried to buid this with the version of FreeRTOS 4.7.0 (what it was created for).

There are some missing include files :
#include "system_conf.h"

#include "Timer.h"

#include "GPIO.h"

I suppose this is some lattice specific headers files, but can't find them anywhere. Does anyone have any pointers here ?

Thanks in advance


RE: Lattice Mico32

Posted by MEdwards on May 19, 2010
Yes I think you must be right, there are not FreeRTOS files. Could it be that the version of the Lattice tools has changed since the port was posted?

RE: Lattice Mico32

Posted by Jon Harper on May 21, 2010
So I got it to compile using the following Timer.h (writtten after reading the lattice mico32 timer spec)
#ifndef TIMER_H
#define TIMER_H


#define TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS 0xA0000600 // This is the timer address for my configuration, it should be changed

typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t Status;
volatile uint32_t Control;
volatile uint32_t Period;
volatile uint32_t Snapshot;
} Timer_t ;


However, context switching does not occur. I can see that the timer interrupt handler is called, I can see that the systick is incrementing, but it doesn't change context. Could someone explain what normally happens when the ISR handlers executes the following functions ?

RE: Lattice Mico32

Posted by Jon Harper on May 21, 2010
This is what when I dump the values that are logged by the trace utility :
TickCount :14 previous :1
TickCount :15 previous :0
TickCount :16 previous :1
TickCount :17 previous :0
TickCount :18 previous :1

It looks like both my tasks are beeing scheduled
However, I am sure that when I launch two tasks, only the code from the last created task is executed. The code from the other task is not executed.
Does anyone have any pointers ..?

RE: Lattice Mico32

Posted by Jon Harper on May 26, 2010
Ok, I had not seen the low level interrupt routine vPortInterruptHandler that saves and restores contexts... I was calling the high level IRQ directly. Now that I changed that, it works like a charm !

I had to add one line to port.c though, but maybe that's because i'm running a simulated timer, not the real timer from lattice.

Here's the line :
+ pTimer->Period = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ;

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