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ARM 7 SAM7x512 and latest freertos ingration

Posted by Hemant on May 20, 2013
I integrated ARM 7 SAM7x512 code with latest freertos . But after changing following in 256.h.
code showing no definition error
Modification is

/*#define AT91C_ISRAM ((char *) 0x00200000) // Internal SRAM base address
#define AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE ((unsigned int) 0x00010000) // Internal SRAM size in byte (64 Kbyte)
#define AT91C_IFLASH ((char *) 0x00100000) // Internal ROM base address
#define AT91C_IFLASH_SIZE ((unsigned int) 0x00040000) // Internal ROM size in byte (256 Kbyte)*/

---------Above commented things replaced with below items

#define AT91C_ISRAM (0x00200000) // Internal SRAM base address
//#define AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE (0x00010000) // Internal SRAM size in byte (64 Kbytes)

#define AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE (0x00020000) // Internal SRAM size in byte (128 Kbytes)

#define AT91C_IFLASH (0x00100000) // Internal FLASH base address
#define AT91C_IFLASH_SIZE (0x00080000) // Internal FLASH size in byte (256 Kbytes)
#define AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE (256) // Internal FLASH Page Size: 256 bytes
#define AT91C_IFLASH_LOCK_REGION_SIZE (16384) // Internal FLASH Lock Region Size: 16 Kbytes
#define AT91C_IFLASH_NB_OF_PAGES (2048) // Internal FLASH Number of Pages: 1024 bytes
#define AT91C_IFLASH_NB_OF_LOCK_BITS (32) // Internal FLASH Number of Lock Bits: 16 bytes

error is-------
Error[Li005]: no definition for "tapdev_send" [referenced from F:\latest\Master_v4\Release\Obj\uIP_Task.o]

RE: ARM 7 SAM7x512 and latest freertos ingration

Posted by Richard on May 20, 2013
Well the error is telling you that a function referenced by a C file is not defined anywhere in your project. Unless more than one error was created by your change, the only explanation I could come up with is that the reference to tapdev_send() is guarded by some pre-processor directive that was changed by your edits - but since your edits are to do with the memory map that would seem *highly* unlikely.

In any case, I don't think this build issue is related to FreeRTOS.


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