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FreeRTOS+Trace, wrong periods

Posted by pr0metha on May 31, 2013
I'm currently trying to analyze my FreeRTOS application with Percepios trace software. I'm using a TMS570 microcontroller. I get everything running and I get a nice trace using periodic tasks, but all the periods of the tasks are halved. As an example: If I have two tasks with the period of 10 ms and 250 ms, the Trace software shows a period of 5 ms and 125 ms.

I use the same way of setting the periods as in the demo code, that is:

#define SHORT_DELAY_MS( 10 / portTICK_RATE_MS )

Later, in the task, the delay is achieved with:

vTaskDelayUntil( &xNextWakeTime, SHORT_DELAY_MS );

I know that the trace port to TMS570 is unofficial, but I've looked into the port and I can't find anything wrong. Does anyone know what can be wrong, besides the trace port?

RE: FreeRTOS+Trace, wrong periods

Posted by Richard on May 31, 2013
If all the times are recorded as being exactly half of the true value then I would guess that there is a mistake in the configuration somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look. Please contact Percepio support directly (go to percepio.com and follow the links for support).


RE: FreeRTOS+Trace, wrong periods

Posted by pr0metha on May 31, 2013
Yes, it seems like all the recored times are exactly half of the true value. I will contact them. Thanks for your reply!

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