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Posted by Tomaszos on May 18, 2013

I'm not a 'freertos-expert' but I've prepared small projected based on on FreeRTOS and CROSSWORKS v.2.3. I used for that: Demo project, but I had to change the MCU from STM32F103 to STM32F100RB (or C8) becouse I want to test it on STM32VLDiscovery board. It looks like everything is okey, but I found small prolem related with startup - when I set "STARTUP_FROM_RESET" unfortunetaly application doesn't start.
Of course I can start application by programming, and clickiing "RUN" (application starts from main() ), but application isn't able to start just after the reset (eg. reset button)

Any idea how to solve that issue.

Crosswork version: 2.3, hardawre: STM32LVDiscovery,
My source code (modified freertos): http://www.wrzucaj.org/729953

Maybe someone test it on STM32VLDiscovery ? :-)

Thanks for help,


Posted by Richard on May 18, 2013
Can you tell if the application starts at all?

If the application starts and gets as far as vTaskStartScheduler() but no further then it is likely to be something to do with the vector table configuration. If the application does not even get as far as main then it's not a FreeRTOS issue but a C startup, linker script or other build related issue.


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