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FREERTOS on efm32

Posted by EL FADI on October 19, 2011
I'm actualy working on the CORTEX_EFMG890F128_IAR port ,but i can't run the os because i think that the init of the chip is not achieved ,the reason why i think this is that :

whaen i compare a blink projet (sample code from micro energy) many files are not the same as in the freertos demo,is anybody running actually the freertos ?why freertos demo use a dvk_init that is different from the dvk init in the blink project?

RE: FREERTOS on efm32

Posted by Dave on October 20, 2011
Can you say what the difference is in the two versions? Is one CMSIS compliant and one not for example?

RE: FREERTOS on efm32

Posted by Marius Grannæs on November 1, 2011

The port is just old. Use the new DVK_Init if possible. Also you should use the new CMSIS release. It might give you some compile errors as some #defines have changed names. Note that all the DVK_* stuff is only really needed by the included example tasks and if you are running on the development kit. If you are using the STK then things will hang when running the DVK stuff.

Also note that there is a FreeRTOS port in contribs made by Energy Micro that utilizes energy modes that you might be interested in.

Also, feel free to contact us at support.energymicro.com if you have any further questions.

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