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blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by niksp on October 22, 2015

Tell me please

Inside the function "prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask ()", after the function "vTaskSuspendAll()", called "prvSampleTimeNow()". Inside it can happen the function callback "pxTimer->pxCallbackFunction((TimerHandle_t) pxTimer)".

It turns out that the callback function can block higher priority tasks.

I understand correctly?

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by rtel on October 22, 2015

Your question is not completely clear, but I will try and answer it.

pxCallbackFunction() is the software timer callback function - but it is just a C function being called from an RTOS task (in this case the Timer task http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-software-timer.html) so it can do the same as any other C function being called from a task. Generally, it can unblock a higher priority task, but it can't really block a higher priority task. It can suspend a higher priority task, but that is a different thing.

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by richard_damon on October 22, 2015

Timer call back functions are called in the contex of the Timer task, which is high priority (I think the highest allowed), not the task that setup the time. Thus timer call backs will have higher priority than your moderate to sort of high priority tasks.

Does this answer your question?

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by niksp on October 22, 2015

Function call "pxTimer->pxCallbackFunction((TimerHandle t) pxTimer)" stands between vTaskSuspendAll() and xTaskResumeAll().

If inside ISR will be called xTaskResumeFromISR () for more priority than the "Timer task", a context switch is blocked (vTaskSuspendAll()) while there is a execution the callback function. additional delay of switching.

it turns out you can not make the task more priority than "Timer task"?

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by richard_damon on October 22, 2015

You can make a task have a higher priority by changing the definition of configTIMERTASKPRIORITY which lives in FreeRTOSConfig.h What you can't do is force a task switch during a vTaskSuspendAll() block.

TImer call backs should be fairly quick though.

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by richard_damon on October 22, 2015

Looking at the code know, I see a vTaskSuspendAll() call, a test to see if we need to call the timer call back vTaskResumeAll() call, then prvPrcessExpiredTimer() call which will call pxTimer->psCallbackFunction()

so I don't see the call back in the context of a SuspendAll() (it may be this is a recent change)

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by niksp on October 22, 2015

call sequence, which I see ( freertos 8.2.3, file timers.c)

//line 437 in prvTimerTask() prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask( xNextExpireTime, xListWasEmpty ); { vTaskSuspendAll(); { //line 457 xTimeNow = prvSampleTimeNow( &xTimerListsWereSwitched );
//line 540 in prvSampleTimeNow() prvSwitchTimerLists();
//line 744 in prvSwitchTimerLists() pxTimer->pxCallbackFunction( ( TimerHandle_t ) pxTimer );

    //and only after that the execution xTaskResumeAll in lines 463, 483, 499


blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by rtel on October 22, 2015

I think the path you are highlighting is a corner case that, although we have tests to go through it, is very unlikely to be hit in a real application. To execute that line you need to be in a situation whereby the tick count has overflowed && for some reason there are timers in the 'current' timer list that have not been processed (maybe could occur if there was a timer that expired as the tick count overflowed)

Even if that line was executed I don't think it should cause a problem as callback functions should not attempt to block, and if the callback function resulted in a context switch then the context switch would just be held pending and then performed when the scheduler was resumed.

Or am I missing something?


blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by niksp on October 23, 2015

Yes, this situation I had in mind.

unlikely, but possible. especially when using configUSE16BIT_TICKS - often overflows tickcount. it forces to take into account the execution of a callback function to meet real-time.

Why not put "xTimeNow = prvSampleTimeNow (& xTimerListsWereSwitched); (line 457)" before vTaskSuspendAll () (line 450)? It seems that it solves the problem.

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by rtel on October 23, 2015

It has to be called with the scheduler suspended to ensure the task lists don't change during the operation.

Why is it causing an issue for you?

blocking higher priority task. prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask()

Posted by niksp on October 23, 2015

Sorry for the many questions,

What if the disable list to switch when the scheduler is suspended, and repeat the test and switch lists, after resuming the scheduler?

~~~~ //modified function prvProcessTimerOrBlockTask(...) { ... vTaskSuspendAll(); { xTimeNow = prvSampleTimeNow( &xTimerListsWereSwitched ); if( xTimerListsWereSwitched == pdFALSE ) { ... } else { //line 499 ( void ) xTaskResumeAll(); //add new line 500: switch lists without vTaskSuspendAll prvSampleTimeNow( &xTimerListsWereSwitched ); } } }

//modified function prvSampleTimeNow( BaseTypet * const pxTimerListsWereSwitched ) { ... xTimeNow = xTaskGetTickCount(); if( xTimeNow < xLastTime ) { //add new line 539: not switch the lists within vTaskSuspendAll if (xTaskGetSchedulerState() == taskSCHEDULERSUSPENDED) { *pxTimerListsWereSwitched = pdTRUE; return 0; } ... } ... }

~~~~ I just have a callback function is longer than the required response time to an interrupt and need 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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