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Intel Galileo Gen2 IO

Posted by jordiblasi on October 25, 2016


I have FreeRTOS running over an Intel Galileo Gen2 Board. I am quite new to FreeRTOS so maybe this is an basic question. I have successfully run different tasks, but now I want to work with Input and Output pins. Following the blinking demo code I have found a function called vGalileoSetGPIOBitLevel, that seems to write a bit to a determined output. I have this two questions: -I have not been able to understand, neither in the manuals nor in the code, is how to map the function entry parameter (GPIONumber) with the actual pins. Does it refer to 1 to 12 numbered Digital(PWM)? - How can I get a reading from an Input? Are the A0 to A5 Analog In the ones to use? Which function is supposed to give me the value?

I have not found any reading on this issue, so any reference would be very helpful.


Intel Galileo Gen2 IO

Posted by rtel on October 25, 2016

Accessing the IO on the Galileo is not always straight forward, and requires configuration that is more complex than expected for people who are used to working on small micros rather than larger processors. I would suggest looking on the Intel developer web site, where you may find the documentation you need, and will find further source code you can use as a reference.

Intel Galileo Gen2 IO

Posted by jordiblasi on October 28, 2016

I have been looking on the Intel Dev site and I have found they have the MRAA driver for IO management, but I have not been able to make it work. In the forum I was even told that it is not supposed to be working with Yocto, not FreeRTOS.

I have been trying to follow the code and modify the blinking demo so I could light a led connected to a pin (number 7 in the digital PWM group).

~~~ vGalileoInitializeGpioController(); vGalileoLegacyGPIOInitializationForLED(); vGalileoSetGPIOBitLevel(7, 1); ~~~

This did not work, but I am not sure if this methods are prepared for this or I am just htting the wrong path.


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