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taskYield() hangs - help needed!

Posted by DownyTif on September 29, 2009

I'm trying to make my application work and I encounter issues like this one. First, I'm using FreeRTOS on a AVR32 UC3 chip. I use the Atmel framwork 1.4.

I currenty have 3 task running. The main one, a startup one, the main LWIP one.

I goes like this:


// Start the Startup Task. Done this way to start the scheduler as soon as possible!
// The reason is simple... The scheduler enables the interrupts (used by the serial communication).
xTaskCreate(StartupTask, (const signed portCHAR*) "STARTUP_TASK", TASK_STARTUP_STACK_SIZE, (void*)pRadarUnit, TASK_STARTUP_PRIORITY, NULL);

// Start the OS scheduler. It should never return from there.

return 0;

So, my main task is starting a STARTUP task that will create and initialize all modules. At this point, my LWIP task is already started. Then, my startup task will try to create another task. The problem I have is that inside

signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask )

the application hangs on taskYIELD(); My RTOS is configured in preemtive mode.

Not sure what to do next... If anyone can help me...

RE: taskYield() hangs - help needed!

Posted by Richard on September 29, 2009
Could you attempt to post the code again? I need to work out how it is supposed to work, sometimes it seems to format correctly automatically, and other times not. I suppose I should RTFM.


RE: taskYield() hangs - help needed!

Posted by DownyTif on September 30, 2009
There you go:

// Start the Startup Task. Done this way to start the scheduler as soon as possible!
// The reason is simple... The scheduler enables the interrupts (used by the serial communication).
xTaskCreate(StartupTask, (const signed portCHAR*) "STARTUP_TASK", TASK_STARTUP_STACK_SIZE, (void*)pUnit, TASK_STARTUP_PRIORITY, NULL);

// Start the OS scheduler. It should never return from there.

return 0;

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