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Can not run FreeRTOS demo using DS-5 RTSM

Posted by Shibu kumar on September 10, 2013
I am new to FreeRTOS and trying to run the demo CORTEX_A9_RZ_R7S72100_IAR_DS-5 using DS-5 compiler and RTSM simulator (for Cortext A9). The code compiles properly and on trying to run, it reaches the initialization of interrupt vector table (in file vector_table.s). However, on trying to step through the code, it gives the following error.
! Stepping failed
! Failed to read 4 bytes from address S:0x20031958
! Memory read from model failed.

A screen shot is given below.

It seems that the loading has not been done to the correct address. The memory address 0x20031958 seems to be acquired from the file Debug/FreeRTOS_Demo.map, but it is generated by the compiler.

Any idea how I can get around this error and run the demo?

Thanks in advance,

Shibu kumar K B

RE: Can not run FreeRTOS demo using DS-5 RTSM

Posted by Richard on September 10, 2013
It doesn't sound like your problem is actually FreeRTOS related, but compile/link related. At the point in the code you get the issue the kernel is not actually running.

I would be very interested in getting a project running in RTSM because it will allow people to try the RZ port without needing any special hardware. The demo in the FreeRTOS download at the moment is configured to run on hardware that is not available to the general community.

Can you create a new "hello world" style project (without FreeRTOS) that runs in RTSM? Once that is running then the FreeRTOS files can be added in.


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