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FPU-data and context switch on Zynq

Posted by SpaceSickPuppy on September 11, 2013
I'm trying to implement floating-point support in the context switch on the FreeRTOS Zynq port. http://www.freertos.org/Interactive_Frames/Open_Frames.html?http://interactive.freertos.org/entries/23277857-Updated-Xilinx-FreeRTOS-port-for-Zynq-to-SDK-14-4-release

I'm running it on the ZC702 board and using GCC.

What I have tried is adding the following lines to the FIQHandler in port_asm_vectors.s and the portSAVE_CONTEXT and portRESTORE_CONTEXT routines:

vpush {d0-d7}
vpush {d16-d31}
vmrs r1, FPSCR
push {r1}
vmrs r1, FPEXC
push {r1}

pop {r2}
vmsr FPEXC, r2
pop {r2}
vmsr FPSCR, r2
vpop {d16-d31}
vpop {d0-d7}

The modifications seems not to help at all, floating-point values are still corrupted in tasks.

The save and restore routines look like this:

#define portSAVE_CONTEXT()\
extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;\
extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulCriticalNesting;\
/* Push R0 as we are going to use the register. */\
__asm volatile (\
"STMDBSP!, {R0}\n\t"\
/* Set R0 to point to the task stack pointer. */\
"SUBSP, SP, #4\n\t"\
/* Push the return address onto the stack. */\
"STMDBR0!, {LR}\n\t"\
/* Now we have saved LR we can use it instead of R0. */\
"MOVLR, R0\n\t"\
/* Pop R0 so we can save it onto the system mode stack. */\
"LDMIASP!, {R0}\n\t"\
/* Push all the system mode registers onto the task stack. */\
"SUBLR, LR, #60\n\t"\
/*Save floating-point registers*/\
"vpush {d0-d15} \n\t"\
"vpush {d16-d31} \n\t"\
"vmrs r1, FPSCR \n\t"\
"push {r1} \n\t"\
"vmrs r1, FPEXC \n\t"\
"push {r1} \n\t"\
/* Push the SPSR onto the task stack. */\
"MRSR0, SPSR\n\t"\
"STMDBLR!, {R0}\n\t"\
"LDRR0, =ulCriticalNesting\n\t"\
"LDRR0, [R0]\n\t"\
"STMDBLR!, {R0}\n\t"\
/* Store the new top of stack for the task. */\
"LDRR0, =pxCurrentTCB\n\t"\
"LDRR0, [R0]\n\t"\
"STRLR, [R0]\n\t"\
( void ) ulCriticalNesting;\
( void ) pxCurrentTCB;\

#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT()\
extern volatile void * volatile pxCurrentTCB;\
extern volatile unsigned portLONG ulCriticalNesting;\
/* Set the LR to the task stack. */\
__asm volatile (\
"LDRR0, =pxCurrentTCB\n\t"\
"LDRR0, [R0]\n\t"\
"LDRLR, [R0]\n\t"\
/* The critical nesting depth is the first item on the stack. */\
/* Load it into the ulCriticalNesting variable. */\
"LDRR0, =ulCriticalNesting\n\t"\
"LDMFDLR!, {R1}\n\t"\
"STRR1, [R0]\n\t"\
/* Get the SPSR from the stack. */\
"LDMFDLR!, {R0}\n\t"\
"MSRSPSR, R0\n\t"\
/*Restore floating-point registers*/\
"pop {r2} \n\t"\
"vmsr FPEXC, r2 \n\t"\
"pop {r2} \n\t"\
"vmsr FPSCR, r2 \n\t"\
"vpop {d16-d31} \n\t"\
"vpop {d0-d15} \n\t"\
/* Restore all system mode registers for the task. */\
"LDMFDLR, {R0-R14}^\n\t"\
/* Restore the return address. */\
"LDRLR, [LR, #+60]\n\t"\
/* And return - correcting the offset in the LR to obtain the */\
/* correct address. */\
"SUBSPC, LR, #4\n\t"\
( void ) ulCriticalNesting;\
( void ) pxCurrentTCB;\

Am I looking in the right place in the code?

RE: FPU-data and context switch on Zynq

Posted by Richard on September 11, 2013
Unfortunately we can't support third party code. However, the official ARM Cortex-A9 port includes FPU support. You could try using that. http://www.freertos.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-Cortex-A-Embedded-Processors.html


RE: FPU-data and context switch on Zynq

Posted by SpaceSickPuppy on September 11, 2013
I have looked at the Cortex-A9 ports in the official release. Unfortunately there is no version for GCC with FPU support.

RE: FPU-data and context switch on Zynq

Posted by Richard on September 11, 2013
If you were using GCC the C code would not change, and the assembler instructions would not change, but the assembly file would have to be in GCC format. You can see how this is done by comparing the RVDS Cortex-M3 port layer code to the GCC Cortex-M3 port layer code.


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