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XMC4500 Relax board porting of FreeRTOS

Posted by babay12345 on September 25, 2013


I am new to FreeRTOS and I am trying to find instructions and porting to XMC4500. I have XMC4500 Relax board and need to start development on it. So I have couple questions to you: 1. Does exist a porting to XMC4500 Relax? If yes then how we can get it? I found that common download is available http://sourceforge.net/projects/freertos/files/ , but no instructions on getting the particular porting. 2. I didn't find any books regarding XMC4500: http://shop.freertos.org/RTOSprimerbooksandmanual_s/1819.htm

Thank you in advance.

XMC4500 Relax board porting of FreeRTOS

Posted by richardbarry on September 25, 2013

I'm not sure which compiler you are using, but there are demos for the XMC4500 hexagon boards already in the FreeRTOS download:

http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-for-Infineon-XMC4000-Cortex-M4.html http://www.freertos.org/Infineon-XMC45xx-Cortex-M4GCCAtollic.html http://www.freertos.org/Infineon-XMC4500-Cortex-M4-Tasking-VX-For-ARM.html

Those demos only have a single platform dependency - which is a digital IO used for the LED. They should run on the Relax board as is, and if you want to see the LED output you will just have to change one or two lines to use a different IO pin (probably - if you are lucky the IO pins for the LEDs might be the same).

Note those demos were created prior to release of the XMC4500 parts, and use start up files that are not up to the current start-up files delivered by compiler vendors. Currently in the public SVN repository (in SourceForge) there are a whole set of new XMC4nnn demos that use the most up to date start up files, and the Dave IDE instead of Atollic for the GCC version. There is one small change that needs to be made to cover and XMC4nnn errata before they are released, but they work just fine in their current check-in state.


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