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Port for Cortex-R5

Posted by zealhero on September 3, 2014


I searched a way of porting for RM57L843 and found it. The ways is it porting Cortex-R4 is similar with it so modify it.. I used FreeRTOS on RM48 before. So I tried it but I think it is not finished completely.. because it works strangly a little. My system works if I make two simple task. But only one task is run when they have same priorities. Scheduler is not start normally when I make a task, do more works. But it worked well previous system(RM48)

What files are needed change or revision? Especially, I don't know how can I make a sys_link.cmd file for memory allocation.

I use HALCoGen 4.0 of TI for making all of base files, then combine with OS files.

Please give me a tip for port for RM57.

I'm using FreeRTOS 8.0 and using Code Composer Studio 6.0.

Thank you.

Port for Cortex-R5

Posted by rtel on September 3, 2014

But only one task is run when they have same priorities.

Lets start with a simple scenario and then increase the complexity to see at which point it stops behaving as it should.

Set configUSE_PREEMPTION to 0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h to stop the tick interrupt trying to switch between the two tasks.

Next create two task as follows:

volatile unint32_t ulTask1 = 0, ulTask2 = 0;

void vTask1( void *pvParameters )
    for( ;; )

void vTask2( void *pvParameters )
    for( ;; )

When you run this, do both tasks run? (do ulTask1 and ulTask2 both increment at the same rate).

If so, inspect xTickCount in the debugger - is that also incrementing?


Port for Cortex-R5

Posted by zealhero on September 4, 2014

oh.. I'm sorry. My system cannot create a task.. because i tried to revise many things.

I will try your suggestion if it can create a task.

This is another question. Is it right to use RM48 cmd file(e.g. sys_link.cmd) for RM57?

RM57 has bigger memory..

Port for Cortex-R5

Posted by rtel on September 4, 2014

I would assume you should use the correct file for the device you are using but you might get away with it with some wasted resources if the smaller chip is a subset of the larger.


Port for Cortex-R5

Posted by zealhero on September 11, 2014

Hi. I found the problems and I fixed it. It works very well. Thank you for your help

Port for Cortex-R5

Posted by rtel on September 11, 2014

Please upload your code to http://interactive.freertos.org thanks.


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